107 Days Until Summer, Have You Reimagined Your Outdoor Spaces?

Restaurant Entrepreneurs in many cities, New York City, in particular, have figured out some pretty inventive ways to encroach upon the sidewalks and flood into the streets to keep their doors open and delight guests.  I just read (see FAQ #10) that the NYC Department of Transportation will allow these "temporary structures,” which have taken over parking spaces, through 2021!  I feel it harkens back to photos from the late 18th and early 19th century when Park Avenue had an actual park running through it.  Or more recently, like that morning in 2013 when I awoke to see how former “Comish” Jeannette Sadik-Khan and Mayor Bloomberg took over parking spaces, seemingly overnight and by surprise,  to make room for Citibikes.  I hope these innovative outdoor structures are here to stay, as they will draw and keep more city dwellers on the streets.  Let’s reimagine our cities; give our cities back to pedestrians, bikers, and outdoor dining.

Cote Steakhouse - NYC

Cote Steakhouse - NYC

Many restaurants like Cote Korean Steakhouse in NYC or Osteria La Buca in Los Angeles continue to innovate and grow through the pandemic.  A large part of their expansion and growth involves getting as many diners outside as possible.  While this is all about top-line revenue, it's also about being experientially creative to dine al-fresco.  While Los Angeles enjoys pretty temperate weather, check out the heaters under the table at Cote!

I see a lot of innovation with outdoor manufacturers we're working with as well.  They're creating “pods” to promote privacy, help properties imagine, and also generate revenue for the properties that use them.

Here are some of Agency 967’s favorite  "pods" that our manufacturing partners have developed and are moving like hotcakes as commercial properties start thinking about warmer weather:

Tuuci - Equinox Cabana

Tuuci - Equinox Cabana

  • Tuuci’s very own Dougan Clarke, always innovating in "shade architecture,” developed and continues to refine their Equinox Cabanas.  You can wire them for heat, rain-sensing louvers, and even drop in some privacy drapes.  We’re even piloting a turn-key solution that fits within an NYC parking space!

Gloster - Lodge

Gloster - Lodge

  • Vondom partnered with Spanish designer, Ramon Esteve, to develop Vineyard - a calming refuge by the pool.

  • Dedon's iconic Swingrest and Nestrest make any outdoor space cozy and private.  Thank you, Paris, for giving us the visionary Daniel Pouzet who has helped DEDON pioneer this “micro-architecture” movement.

I cannot believe Memorial Day is only 107 days away -- especially after digging out from all of these recent snowstorms in the northeastern United States.  Let's all continue to innovate how we design, build and use our outdoor spaces.  I know we all miss social connections; let’s do more of it outside!  


Less is More, with Micro-Architecture


“Why” we do “What” we do at Agency 967