Agency 967…
A Dream Come True
Once upon a time, two young and ambitious 18-year-old men found each other in the great city of Los Angeles. Dan Ryan and Misha Bedner were instant best friends with a shared passion for the design industry. In their early 20’s, they moved into an apartment together at 967 Hayes St. in San Francisco where they dreamed of someday starting a business together.
Eventually, time took Dan to the East Coast where he began a business representing contract furniture brands up and down the coast. Misha remained on the West Coast and like Dan, he began a business currently known as Promenade Group, representing contract furniture brands all over the coast.
For the last 25 years, Dan and Misha have been building their stellar reputations through devoted customer service and an everlasting passion for high-quality, high-design furniture. After decades of hard work and commitment, the two have finally joined forces to create the one and only, Agency 967.
Now, Agency 967 is combining the brands and clientele of two brilliant furniture design forces in order to provide the highest quality furniture and the most superior customer service in the market.
Agency 967 isn’t just a contract furniture company, it’s an entity born from dreams to bring designers' dreams to life.